Doug Casey is a firebrand libertarian who loves to preach 'doom porn' as Kyle Rearden calls it. I read Doug's words because he presents a vastly different -- in some ways -- view of the world than I have; and while I disagree with some of what he says, I believe his core ideas are both sound and true.
In this article, I wanted to highlight his view on how cultural marxism, which I agree with him, is a cancer upon our society. It erodes individualistic thought and personal responsibility and foments class warfare and race-and-classcism by emphasizing groups rather than individuals. Not only does it produce all of these toxic properties, but it also gives people a false philosophical basis upon which to attack other people, using the label-happy liberal terms such as homophobe, bigot, and racist. These are toxic words and ideas that enable a secular form of self-righteousness that would put the Pharisees to shame.
When you are an individualist, those terms are meaningless and less than worthless. When you culturally castrate the individual, you discourage free thought and scientific enterprise, and you erode the fundamental and key element of free society: personal responsibility. When you, see yourself as a black, or a woman, or a white male Protestant, you enable yourself to lay blame for unpleasantness at the feet of the opposing groups who are 'oppressing' you. This idea is as absurd as your feet crying out that they are oppressed by the rest of your body and your legs calling your nose a walkophobe for not doing its part in walking. A society, much like a body, is made up of different and distinctly individual parts that each play a role. When you try to make everyone into hands, your body ceases to function, because all roles are necessary for the healthy functioning of society. Similarly, when you try to pigeonhole individuals into broad categories, you both grossly mischaracterize each individual, and you strip away the incentive for being personally responsible for your actions, both morally and economically.
In a cultural marxist world, a person who makes poor economic decisions and whittles their life away doing non-productive activities is considered 'oppressed' by those who actually work to make the world a quantitatively better place, which gives the violent State the right to steal from the productive in order to give to the lazy who choose not to produce. In an individualist world, those who make poor economic decisions get to starve or suffer the indignity of begging from friends, family or society as a whole, and it also opens the door for people to be truly charitable to those in need as opposed to charity at gunpoint, as is current government welfare.
Similarly, in the moral realm, cultural marxism seeks to fill the void with an arbitrary and arbitrarily changing system of political correct morals that allow people to feel morally superior without requiring them to live according to any absolute moral standard. It turns people into assholes for inclusivity and diversity and enables them to treat anyone who disagrees with them as poorly as white slavemasters in America in the 1800s treated their slaves. While in an individualistic society, there is an implied absolute moral standard, by which all are held accountable -- governments included -- and all can then see cultural marxism for what it really is, a convenient excuse to be a self-righteous assholes to their neighbors who disagree with them.
However, with all of this said, I am not against all forms of welfare. Voluntary welfare, or charity as it is more commonly called, is a right, good and necessary element of society. When you espouse and live by the absolute moral standard that is laid out in the Bible, you will naturally gravitate toward charity on a personal level, and when everyone does this the entire society is transformed to actually care for the poor who are made poor by bad luck (or even those who are poor by choice, as charity is a free thing).
To conclude though, cultural marxism is cancer in society. It has so many negative effects which are quite literally draining the life from our culture and society and will unquestionably result in the downfall of our civilization through economic collapse if we let it metastasize.
Do not be a cultural marxist!
Think for yourself.
Our society depends on it.
I have attached the entire article below, but you can read the original here:
*WARNING: Auto-play video is on his site*