
"For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach." -- J.R.R. Tolkien

Monday, March 12, 2012

In Defense of Christianity

I found a terribly unsettling article today on Space.com.  I have not yet decided what is most unsettling about it, that people at NASA/JPL would use budgetary constraints as a convenient excuse for firing someone who espouses Intelligent Design, (which is an absolutely valid scientific theory... albeit an unproven one), or that the person fired would bring a lawsuit against them.

Was it unfair for them to fire someone for this?  Absolutely, but if anything David Coppedge should be rejoicing that he lost his job for Christ.  There is no better reason to lose your job for.  He will be honored in heaven for this sacrifice.  The whole idea of the Alliance Defense Fund is unsettling to me, as it seems that one cannot be both Christian and a prosecutor at the same time.  The whole idea of Christianity is that our fundamental worth is founded in Christ; and as such, we can absorb anything that this faithless world throws at us with grace and dignity and still show love to them.

Do we destroy the foundation of Christianity in order to defend it, or do we trust that Christianity will defend itself?  Those who truly espouse it can take anything that this world throws at us, and still love them.

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