
"For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach." -- J.R.R. Tolkien

Thursday, May 26, 2016


This is going to be a two-part post because I have been neglecting my blog lately, despite my head brimming with topics to write about.  The two topics are completely disparate and have little to do with one another, aside from AI affecting the technology fabric underlying a Trump presidency.  So, sorry, keep your mental compartmentalization ready.

First, Trump.  I don't like Trump.  He is a big government guy and I am a libertarian.  He wants to do all kinds of expensive things with other people's money, which makes him only marginally better than Bernie Sanders and only morally superior to Hillary Clinton.  Currently, we have over 19 trillion USD in sovereign debt, not even considering unfunded liabilities like government pensions, social security, and Obamacare... I have read estimates in excess of 100 trillion USD in unfunded liabilities going forward.

100 trillion.  100,000,000,000,000,000!

Let that sink in for a bit...

Except that this number is so astronomical that most people cannot even conceive of it, let alone begin to fathom the consequences of this number.  But the debt will be paid.  It has to be, because the consequences of not paying it are world-ending (at least in the short term).  And it will be paid, even if other countries take it out of us in blood, which I imagine that they will be more than happy to do if we default on tens of trillions of USD in sovereign debt.

But we can't default, you say!

Technically, yes... you are correct, but a hyper-inflationary money printing extravaganza qualifies as a 'default,' just ask Zimbabwe, Argentina, and now Venezuela.

These countries are examples of unbounded spending on anything... defense, social entitlements, whatever...  eventually you run out of other people's money.   And if you don't think that this will happen here in the U.S., think again.  It doesn't matter how powerful you think you are, the piper must always be paid.  And Trump has all kinds of expensive plans including building walls, tax cuts, tariffs, and boosting defense spending, which I am in favor of, so long as we stop this military adventurism nonsense.  But you cannot do all of that at once without funding it, and there are only two sources of funding, debt and currency.  You can issue debt until you can't when the rest of the world figures out that the emperor has no clothes, then you must print... or cut spending.

Debt is one reason I do not like Trump.

A second reason that I neither trust nor like Donald Trump is that all of his solutions revolve around tariffs.  A tariff is a sanction or penalty on incoming goods from other countries.

That $2000 TV you envy in the electronics store?  $4000 after Trump sanctions the country that manufactures it.

Those $20 clothes at Walmart?  $30-40 after Trump sanctions countries that manufacture them.

Those $50 car parts that you buy from Mexico to keep your jalopy running?  $100+ after Trump sanctions Mexico to force them to pay for the wall.  To say that Mexico is going to pay for the wall is technically true, but in reality you are going to pay for it.

And this is just the beginning. 

Tariffs start trade wars.  That is simply how it works.  So, China will put tariffs on our iPhones and start chasing US companies out of China and ramp up their cyber- and economic espionage campaign to steal IP from us in order to continue making our shit for less than we can.  So, we lose anyway.

 This post is already running way longer than intended, so I guess I will close with the Hillary/Bernie alternative which is equally dim.  You'll have to wait for comments on AI-theism.

A Hillary/Bernie presidency would consist of free shit for everyone.  Great, you say!  I love free shit!

Except that nothing is free.

If we have close to 100 trillion in already unfunded liabilities, why not throw on another 20 trillion.  No big deal, right?  So, sure, we can enjoy our social entitlements until our civilization collapses under the crushing debt load.

So, the Bernie/Hillary presidency, which also has this penchant for big government and spending other people's money, will run out of money long before a Trump presidency will...  and I think there is at least some small modicum of hope that Trump will see the error of his ways before he actually screws us all over.  Hillary and Bernie will be screwing us as a matter of principle, so I don't see any hope down that path.

So, long story short, I am not voting.  I am preparing to run for the hills, so that when the inevitable shit hits the fan I will be protected.  And you would be wise to do the same.

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