
"For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach." -- J.R.R. Tolkien

Monday, November 29, 2010

Pressure run-ups


One Iranian nuclear scientists was assassinated today, in a show of overt consequences for the Iranian nuclear program.

Based on the fact that the US has banned itself from conducting in assassinations, I would expect the Israelis to be behind such an attack.  They stand to bear the brunt of a nuclear Iran and are not going to stand idly by while Iran develops nuclear weapons.  The Israelis want to avoid nuclear war as much as any other nation, and I imagine, like many others in the world, are severely distrustful of Iranian restraint in utilizing the weapons that would have horrific consequences for everyone in the world.  I hope that the Israelis continue to ramp up pressure on the Iranian scientists and do whatever is necessary to hamper their efforts.

I would expect the Arab nations to publicly condemn Isreal and the US for this act, but I imagine that behind the scenes they are cheering.  A nuclear Iran would destabilize not only the Persian-Arab region of the world, but every corner of the globe.

We cannot allow Iran to achieve their goal of nuclear armament.  This would result in global chaos on an unparalleled scale.

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